Monday, May 25, 2009

Newbie Statistics

I had a brainstorm the other day for how to pull a certain class of statistics from the various logfiles and other data we track in the game. The idea is that we grab all the new characters created in a one month time period, then see how many of them continued to log in for successive months. I decided to try this on four month time periods to filter out storage characters and other infrequently used but legitimate pfiles.

Here's a chunk of sample data, looking at how many of the players we got in January continued to log in for February, March, and April:

Total created in 2009-01: 230
Total last saved in 2009-04 or earlier: 198
Total last saved in 2009-01: 146 Average Total Levels: 8
Total last saved in 2009-02: 21 Average Total Levels: 22
Total last saved in 2009-03: 16 Average Total Levels: 28
Total last saved in 2009-04: 15 Average Total Levels: 30

Some quick observations to distill it down:

- Of the 230 characters created in January, 198 have not yet logged in for May. Only 32 of 230 (14%) have been active this month.

- Nearly all of the dropouts are in the first month, with 146/230 logins (63%) never bothering to log in again.

- Once you get past that critical first month drop out period, we lose people at a relatively steady rate.

- The first month players actually get more than one level. They get 8 on average. Even having leveled multiple times, they still don't return.

When I looked more closely at the data, I found some obvious patterns for nearly all of the people that drop out in the first month. In particular, they play the game for a reasonable period of time (15 minutes to two hours), get a handful of levels, learn a few things, then log off. About half of these never sign in again. The remainder sign in a small number of times, generally for only a couple of minutes, then sign back out.

There's a really obvious reason: The game isn't fun enough to hook newbies at low levels. They're bored, and don't know what to do when they return.

Ways to improve this:

- Add more really low level quests in the encampment. (I already have a couple ideas for this.)

- Add more quest guides for the Vemarken and other Sloe quests.

- DClient changes to make quests and other things more obvious and interesting (in progress.)

- Build the low level generic skills (cooking, skinning, etc) and make them useful. This may involve some form of low level crafting.

- Possibly give return bonuses. I believe I saw a game at one point that gave increased experience if you returned after a long absence.

This is more than enough stuff in the short term to keep me and probably several other people busy. Unfortunately, the only things I can offload onto others are the first two, and I'll probably still end up being involved at least incidentally to do cleanup and monitoring. I generally have a better idea of where the dropout points are for really low level players, because I spend more time watching them.

If I get all of this done before the end of May, I will be very surprised. It's a good short term goal though. (The return bonuses are excluded for now, as I don't know if we want to go that route. I'll have to think about that one a bit more.)


Locane said...

D, you're missing a huge draw to the game, and that's the social aspect.

Auto connect newbies to a few of the more sane chat channels and let them get involved in one conversation or another with the people that play regularly.

Without the people, the game is lifeless and largely uninteresting. There isn't enough complication in interaction with mobs to hold someone's interest longer than a couple hours, much less a month.

I recommend gossip and XP, and possibly shout, because some interesting things happen there sometimes. A minimum level of 3 or so should keep people from being spammed to death when they don't know how to walk around.

lilmike said...

I agree with locane, autoconnecting some newbies to channels after a certain level would help.

Os said...

Beware those that project their own needs on the entire population.

There are just as many newbies who would be entirely frustrated at being "autoconnected" to channels they did not want to be connected to, and it's not immediately obvious how to disconnect from all the spam.