Saturday, July 9, 2011

wxWidgets GTK font rendering

In my previous post, I managed to fix the bugs in wxDC::DrawPoint() by using my own custom drawing class. Unfortunately, a lot of the places I where I used DrawPoint were also places where I needed to draw text, and in order to draw text I needed a wxDC. No problem, I'll just draw the text using a temporary wxMemoryDC on the bitmap, and to make sure there's no clobbering problems I'll make sure that I don't intermingle direct drawing scope with the DC object scope.

This appeared to work, except for the scrolling/updating windows. For some reason, even though there was a Clear() call before the font rendering, the windows would never clear. If I destroyed and recreated the bitmap every time, it worked fine but was very slow. If I cleared after drawing the text, the clear worked. If I cleared before drawing the text, the clear did not work.

Eventually I figured out the reason:

Under wxGTK, wxDC drawing and rendering are done to a separate bitmap/bitmap layer that is permanently attached to the real bitmap. When font data is drawn using wxDC::DrawText(), the text is drawn to the hidden layer, then the hidden layer is blitted in its entirety on top of the real bitmap. The end result is that anything you do prior to constructing the DC and rendering text with that DC is overwritten/deleted when the DC destructs.

Just how the hell does this make any sense? Nevermind, forget I asked. On the plus side, this explains why full screen font rendering is so slow in wxGTK. I never could figure that part of it out.

For roughly a day, I was utterly at a loss when faced with this problem. Switch back to the old code and lose the MacOS X platform; stay with the new code and lose wxGTK (and possibly other platforms, I only ever tested it on GTK.) I couldn't even think of a way to work around it.

Eventually, a possible solution presented itself: add font rendering to my custom bitmap class. I wasn't real clear on how to do this at first, but the key breakthrough came when I realized I could just use a cheap glyph rendering scheme. Use wxDC to draw each of the letters I needed (ascii chars 32 through 126) into tiny, clean bitmaps, then use a modified alpha channel copy routine to draw them to my custom bitmaps.

I'm proud to say that I now have proper text rendering and graphical drawing primitives on all three platforms. And to think that all I needed to do was rewrite the entire wxDC rendering system to do it!

I should have just done it in the first place, as I recommended to myself in a past life. Sometimes our older selves are no wiser than we are in youth.

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