Thursday, November 6, 2008

Software Complexity and Human Limits

As you might have read from other posts here, I've been working on a gui client for Alter Aeon. Gui code is fundamentally different from what I'm used to working on, in that it has loads of function pointer handlers and 'virtual internal state' that is mostly held by which objects are instantiated and what they're presently doing. At its lowest level, this can of course be represented by a perfectly ordinary state machine, however these state machines are fairly large and the state it's currently in isn't always obvious.

[As a side note, I do work in FAX software in my off time, and this also has some pretty huge state machines. However, those state machines are really well defined in one central location, and it's much more obvious what's going on. Even saying that, I still have a hard time with those.]

While working on this client, I quickly lose track of what needs to be done and how the states work. The client itself is big enough that I can't remember everything that is in it; and after not working on it seriously for almost two years, I had a lot of trouble getting back up to speed.

A good part of this is that the code itself was basically built from the ground up, and then never cleaned up by a maintainer. Maintenance is more than just adding a button here or there and fixing minor bugs; maintenance of software means getting in there and saying "why the hell are these drawing functions intermingled with scroll locking?", then moving things around so it makes more sense. A good example of this is the button system, the entirety of which is contained in the main window implementation file. This serves only to clutter up the main window implementation, and further make the button code hard as hell to understand.

So I've been doing the proper thing and moving functions around, grouping them by functionality, and trying to make useful classes on the side where I can hide details. But even so, I can tell that my standard way of thinking about and writing code is showing signs of strain. Much like I'm having to retool my picking technique on guitar, I need to retool my brain to handle this kind of abstraction better.

I don't really need any advice or recommendations for books here; I know where to find that sort of thing if I need it, and I've done this enough to know when I'll need it. I even know conceptually how to approach this kind of problem; I think I'm just currently bad at it. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately), there's a lot of work left to do on this client, so I'll get lots of practice.

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